Bisa di Bilang Cydia adalah Versi Open Source dari Apple Store, kelebihanya anda bisa menginstall Tweaks/Aplikasi yang tidak anda temukan di appstore, ada begitu banyak aplikasi/Tweaks yang tersedia dari di Cydia, Baik itu berbayar Maupun Gratis, jika anda penasaran siapa sih pembuat Aplikasi Cydia ini?. Jawabannya adalah Saurik aka Jay Freeman, seorang Technology Consultant yang sudah menyelesaikan studi di University of California pada jurusan College of Creative Studies, dan sedang melanjutkan studi pada universitas yang sama di jurusan College of Engineering.
Pada saat ini iOS 6 - 6.1 sudah bisa di Jailbreak dengan Tool Evasi0n. nah saatnya untuk kita mengetahui Tweek atau Aplikasi apa saja yang support dengan iOS 6 Jailbreak ini. jangan sampai anda salah menginstall Tweaks atau aplikasi sehingga iPhone,iPad,iPod anda masuk di Safe Mode atau Stuck di Logo Apple saat Reboot. ini bisa menjadi masalah serius!!!.
Jika anda memiliki Masalah dengan Cydia yang ada di iPhone - iPad - iPod anda. silahkan baca disini
Kumpulan Permasalahan Cydia Pasca Jailbreak
Tweaks dan Aplikasi Cydia Untuk iOS 6 - 6.1 -
Inilah Daftar Aplikasi/Tweaks Cydia Untuk iOS 6-6.1 Jailbreak Baik Berbayar Maupun Yang Gratis
MyWi : The single best way to add tethering to your device without a monthly plan. Has instant tethering feature that automatically connects to iPad.
Price: $19.99, free trial
Available from repository:
(search for MyWi)
PdaNet : Another fantastic option for tethering without a plan. Does not have as many features as MyWi, but it is cheaper and still works well.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for PdaNet)
BrowserChooser : Change the default iOS browser. Must have for third-party browser users. Makes links in all iOS apps open in selected browser.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for BrowserChooser)
3G Unrestrictor : Use your cellular data for applications that are Wi-Fi only. Works with YouTube, FaceTime, games and more.
Price: $3.99
Available from repository:
(search for 3G Unrestrictor)
Safari Download Manager : Beautiful download manager for downloading any file from Safari. Allows you to download up to 10 files at a time.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for Safari Download Manager)
Tab+ : Enable more than nine tabs on your iPad. Designed for iPad, but will also add more tabs to iPod touch and iPhone.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for Tab+)
Dashboard X : Add widgets to your device’s home screen and a dedicated widgets window. Support for tons of third party widgets such as Twitter, music controls and more.
Price: $1.99
Available from repository:
(search for Dashboard X)
FakeCarrier : Change the carrier name on your phone to anything you want. Has easy to use settings screen. Simply type in new carrier text and you are ready to go.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for FakeCarrier)
WiCarrier : Show the connected Wi-Fi network next to the signal bars. Helpful for people who change networks so they know which one that are connected to at a glance.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for WiCarrier)
FolderEnhancer : Improve the performance and features of iOS folders. Place folders in folders, change the look and feel of folders and more.
Price: $1.99
Available from repository:
(search for FolderEnhancer)
Infinidock : Add as many apps as you want to the dock. Apps scroll as you move through them. Makes it much easier to access the apps you use all the time.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for Infinidock)
Springtomize : Customize almost every aspect of your iOS device’s Springboard. Easy to use interface that even new jailbreakers can understand.
Price: $2.99
Available from repository:
(search for Springtomize)
Infinifolders : Add as many apps as you want to iOS folders. Don’t let Apple limit your folders any more. Easy to set up and you can use your folders how you want.
Price: $1.99
Available from repository:
(search for Infinifolders)
Visual Enhancers
Winterboard : Customize the look of your iOS device with themes. Themes can be downloaded through Cydia and change everything from icons to sounds.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for Winterboard)
DreamBoard : Completely change the look of iOS. Like Winterboard but with deeper customization. Make your device look like an Android, Mac or more.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for DreamBoard)
Lock Screen Tweaks
AnyLockApp : Set the lock screen camera button to launch any app. By default, the camera is shown here. With this extension you can make a third party camera or any app launch.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for AnyLockApp)
IntelliscreenX : Greatly enhances iOS lock screen with tons of options. Add email, weather, settings toggles, SMS and more.
Price: $9.99
Available from repository:
(search for IntelliscreenX)
BiteSMS : Adds every tweak to text messaging you could want. Tweaks include quick reply, contact photos in messages, enhanced smileys, and so much more.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for BteSMS)
ManualCorrect : No more automatic corrections when typing on your iOS device. With this tweak, you manually approve all corrections.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for ManualCorrect)
SMSConfirmation : Receive a confirmation message when you successfully send an SMS.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for SMSConfirmation)
Siri Tweaks
AssistantExtensions : Take Siri to the next level. Add tweaks to make Siri do more than you ever thought possible such as tweet, post to Facebook and more.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for AssistantExtensions)
VoiceUtils : Perform system commands such as restart, respring and more with Siri. Quickest way to get access to your importing settings on your iOS device.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for VoiceUtils)
System Tweaks
Activator : Add custom actions to make your device do almost anything. Add swipe, tap, hold and all kinds of gestures that take controlling your iOS device to a higher level.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for Activator)
SBSettings : Add frequently used settings toggles to Notification Center. Also adds an Activator drop down box to control Wi-Fi, 3G, location and other popular settings.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for SBSettings)
iFile : Access your device’s file system. Copy, move, cut and paste files to other folders.
Price: free trial, $4
Available from repository:
(search for iFile)
PlayAwake : Use any song from your music library for your alarm clock. Choose the song to play directly from iOS Clock app
Price: $1.99
Available from repository:
(search for PlayAwake)
Zephyr : Adds multitasking gestures to iOS devices. Allows you to more easily control iOS multitasking functions.
Price: $4.99
Available from repository:
(search for Zephyr)
CyDelete : Delete Cydia packages as if they were App Store apps. Normally, you have to go to Cydia to remove a package, with this tweak, that’s not longer needed.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for CyDelete)
xCon : Use apps that block jailbroken devices. Many iOS apps detect a jailbroken device and will not let them run. This tweak gets rid of that and lets you run the apps in peace.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for xCon)
PasswordPilot : Automatically sign in to iTunes when downloading a new app. Simply inserts your password when you download an app. Not recommended if other people use your device.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for PasswordPilot)
WeeFlashlight for Notification Center : Flashlight that sits in the Notification Center. Simply tap the button and your camera flash will turn on. Tap it again, and it will turn off.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for WeeFlashlight)
F.lux : Adjust the light on your iPhone to better match room conditions. Warms the colors of your device in the evening to match conditions better.
Price: free
Available from repository:
(search for F.Lux)
(Via. GDeluxe)
Bagaiman Caranya untuk Menginstall App/Tweaks diatas, cara cukup Mudah, Buka Cydia Tab Bagian Source - Edit - Add - Tambahkan Alamat Repo/Source diatas dan Cari Di Bagian "Search" Nama aplikasi yang ingin anda install di iDevice anda.
Apa perbedaan Tweaks dan Aplikasi? Tweaks tidak memiliki icon di Springboar jadi untuk melakukan Setting masuk di Setting/Pengaturan - Scroll ke bawah bagian "Extention". bisa dibilang Tweaks merupakan sebuah f
Appcake Hadir Sebagai Alternatif Installous Di iPhone dan iPad
iPAStore Alternatif Lain Dari Installous untuk iPhone Jailbreak
VShare Alternatif dari Installous Untuk iPhone/iPad Jailbreak
icon Renamer, Mengganti Nama Aplikasi di Springboard iPhone dan iPad
PwnTunes, Masukan Lagu ke iPhone - iPad Tanpa iTunes
Infinidock 2.0.3-1 Update Untuk Support iOS 6 dan Scroll Bar Option
Optimasi dan Monitor Baterai iPhone Menggunakan BatteryDoctorPro
TypeStatus Menampilkan "Speech Bubble" Untuk Seseorang Mengetik iMessage
AppLocker Mengunci Setiap Aplikasi di iPhone dan iPad dengan Password
LivePapers, Wallpaper Animasi Untuk iPhone,iPad dan iPod
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