I Really Love to Learn English Language Using The Mystery Skype Method - Today, I'd like to tell you about my experience yesterday, exactly on Thursday, November 8th 2012. It is chatting and talking to another person from abroad directly although by webcam with an internet connection of Skype. The person who talked with me is Mrs. Allen from Chichago. I really enjoyed our chat and talk about the mystery skype. Mystery skype is a fun and interesting game, where is the person who talked to another person is trying to guess where is he live in. I think this mystery skype is very useful, and has many advantages for the students who want to learn English language such as me.
So, thank you Mrs. Allen for your time and your knowledge of the English language that you've provided to me and both of my friends. Do you know that previously I had never spoken directly with the person from abroad such as you? It is the first time to me, and next time if there is a chance I really want to have some chat and talk again with you Mrs. Allen... :)
How about the foods that I've mentioned yesterday? About "bolang-baling, rendang, krupuk, and sate", do you have seen? Maybe just the pictures of those foods? And the pictures of those foods are below :
Ohhh... Look at this pictures! I think these are very nice and great pictures :D.
(taken from a post of Mrs. Allen's blog - http://csrncomputers.blogspot.com/2012/11/mystery-skype-and-practicing-english-in.html )
I hope for the future, my ability to speak in English will be better and fluently. See you and have a nice day... May god bless you Mrs. Allen... :) Thank you so much.
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